⚙️Pollen Explorer Public API

Inspect and build tools around the Pollen Mobile network with our open access API.

This API is for anyone wanting to get their hands dirty with data from the Pollen network.

Access and explore device information, location information, reward logs, and network wide stats.

Getting Started

To make requests you'll need an API key.

Once you get your key, add these headers to your requests.

headers: { 
     "accepts": "application/json" 

Don't have an API key?

Get one here: https://airtable.com/shrgAebyftF1yBuu1

API Keys are rate limited to

  • Maximum of 5 requests/second.

  • Total of 1,000 requests/day.

Endpoints Overview

Click below to reference all of our endpoints, request parameters, and response types!

Last updated